I love the smell of

in the morning
Everything here is my opinion. I do not speak for your employer.
October 2010
November 2010

2010-10-11 »

Avery World Tour 2010

Although the tour has already begun, I suppose some of my faithful (ha!) readers may be interested to know where this trip has yet to go:

  • Theodore Roosevelt Park, ND ("I grow very fond of this place, and it certainly has a desolate, grim beauty of its own, that has a curious fascination for me." - T.R.)
  • Black Hills Park, SD (including Mount Rushmore, apparently)
  • Yellowstone Park (home of Old Faithful)
  • Boulder
  • Denver
  • Salt Lake City
  • Provo and Orem, UT (founding places of Novell and Wordperfect)
  • Bonneville Salt Flats (where the land vehicle world speed record is held: faster than Mach 1!)
  • Grand Canyon, AZ
  • Las Vegas
  • Los Angeles
  • San Diego
  • Somewhere in Mexico (maybe)
  • Mountain View (for GitTogether 2010)
  • San Francisco
  • Portland
  • Seattle
  • Victoria and/or Vancouver
  • Saltspring Island

If you are in one of those places and you think you want to see me while I'm there, send me an email. Even better if you have an extra couch to crash on.

Also if you want a postcard, let me know. No guarantee about which of the above places it will come from. I'm not that good.

I'm CEO at Tailscale, where we make network problems disappear.

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apenwarr on gmail.com